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ATTENTION:  I Am Humbly Asking Dr. Jill Stein To Release Her


I Am The Only One Running In The Green Party That

Can Win The Presidency Outright.  Only The Fourth Seal Can Beat

The Second Seal (Donald Trump) And The Third Seal (Joseph Biden),


VP Kamala Harris, who is the Stand In for Joe Biden, (The Letter (K)

is the 11th Letter of the Alphabet, which means Judgment) And

Beat Them At The Same Time.

I Ask For Your Vote And Thank You For Your Vote In

Advance.  We Are Not Living In Ordinary Or Regular Times.

When making donations by mail, please make your check or

money order payable to:

Cooke For President

P.O. Box 796412

Dallas, TX 75379

As a Green Party Candidate, I need to raise as much money as


Any amount will help.

This campaign is the Greatest Cause on Earth

that you can give to right now.  This campaign is a Holy Campaign

You can also Click on Contribute and Give Online as well.  You have

Zero Excuses for not giving to this campaign.  You are Responsible

Now with this Knowledge!

I am the Only Person on this Planet that can Beat

The Second Seal (Donald Trump) And The Third Seal (Joseph Biden),


VP Kamala Harris, who is the Stand In for Joe Biden, (The Letter (K)

is the 11th Letter of the Alphabet, which means Judgment) And

Beat Them At The Same Time.

So, My Question Is, What Are You Waiting For?

Issues - I am the Fourth Seal of Almighty God!

Your 47th President of 2024!

Robert Cooke IV

On The Issues

Spread The Word!  Please Volunteer!

The Churches and the Native American Indian Tribes are the Last

Line of Defense!

It Is Not Too Early To Give To My Presidential Campaign (2024)!  Do Not Wait To See If Somebody Else Is Going To Give!  You Need To Give Now!  Right Now!  This Is A Winning Campaign!  No Money Lost Here!

A.)  The Holy Bible - First Corinthians - Chapter 1 - Verse 18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

B.)  The Holy Bible - First Corinthians - Chapter 1- Verse 21 - For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

1.)  Abortion:

   Pregnancy is not meant to be a reproductive right of abortion.  Pregnancy is meant to be the way to bring forth new life in the world. 

2.)  Amy Coney Barrett - Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States:

  She is one of 7 children.  She has 7 children.  She came off the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.  She was President Trump's 3rd Supreme Court nominee that got confirmed by the U.S. Senate.  7 + 7 + 7 + 3 = 24.  I will be elected by you, the American people, in '24 as President-Elect Cooke.

3.)  Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Michael:

  Almighty God has sent Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Michael down from heaven to help protect me during these times of Judgment, (End Times Judgment), of this nation.

4.)  Aunt:

  I have an Aunt Mercy.  She helped raise me when I was growing up.  When the Coronavirus Pandemic Plague first started, President Trump sent the Navy hospital ship U.S.N.S. "Mercy" to the West Coast to dock in Los Angeles.  Los Angeles means "the angels".  The Navy hospital ship U.S.N.S. "Comfort" was sent to the East Coast to dock in New York City where the Equestrian Statue of Theodore Roosevelt is located.  My Aunt Mercy lives on the East Coast.  When me and my two cousins Shawn and Joseph were near the age of becoming teenagers, my Aunt Mercy bought us a T-shirt each.  Joseph's T-shirt was blue with his name on the back with red letters.  My T-shirt was green with my nickname (Bobby) on the back with white letters. Shawn's T-shirt was red with his name on the back with black or blue letters.  These T-shirts represented the Democratic nominee (Joseph Biden), the Green Party nominee (Robert Cooke), which is me, and the Republican nominee (Donald Trump) in the 2024 Presidential debates.  These are not coincidences.  They are just prophetic.

5.)  Birth Control:

  Abstinence works wonders even as a married couple.

6.)  Blessed Announcement for POTUS:

  I will announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America in '23.

7.)  Border Wall:

  Building the Border Wall will bring about the Black Death Part 2 Plague and will also be known as simply (BD Deuce) if built.  There is not a therapeutic or vaccine for this plague.  Do not build any additional wall.  You have a little too much as it stands right now.  The wall will become a prison wall.

8.)  Break The Duopoly:

  It is time to set right what has been set wrong for far too long across this nation.  There has to be more political parties allowed in the political process for the nation to live.

9.)  Brother's Keeper:

  I am my brother's keeper.  Former President Obama, former President Trump, and current President Biden are my Prophetic Brothers.

10.)  Cages:

  I will tear down the cages at the southern border and give the immigrants (strangers in the land) a decent place to lay their heads.  Also, I will provide amnesty that is limited and precise.

11.)  Canonization:

  I will be the first and only living canonized saint (the Judgment Saint) in world history.

12.)  Children:

  My children are prophetic.  They were born practically three years apart from one another.  My son's name is Matthew and my daughter's name is Esmeralda, which means (Emerald).  They were both born in the month of May.  The birthstone for the month of May is an Emerald.  Matthew is the first gospel of the four gospels in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.  This is not a coincidence.   

13.)  Cooke IV 2024:

  More Than A President!

14.)  Covid-19 and the Variants:

  Covid-19 and the Variants are Prejudgment from Almighty God.  Almighty God is sending a message to the United States of America.  No matter where you are in the world, I can reach out and touch you.

15.)  Credit Card Debt Crisis:

  I will pay off the credit card debt in the United States that has accumulated through the end of June 30, 2023.

16.)  Cures:

  The cures that I will do are worth at least $400 trillion dollars.

17.)  Death Penalty:

The death penalty must be abolished at both the state and federal level of government.  Our compassion, forgiveness, grace, love, and mercy as a nation must be greater, much greater than the evilness and hate of the Early Settlers of the U.S., Hitler, Mao, and Stalin combined.

18.)  Defeat of All Nuclear Weapons:

  I will create and develop the defeat of all nuclear weapons at the beginning of my second term as the 47th President of the United States of America.

19.)  Divine Knowledge:

  There is one thing that "trumps" science.  Two words.  "Divine Knowledge".  All day and all night.

20.)  Dream with Jesus Christ:

  January or February of 2018, I had a dream with Jesus Christ in it.  We were standing on this flat piece of land that was somewhat grassy.  We were up high, but not as high as the tall hills in front of us.  He gave me a choice.  He said, "you can have all the money and wealth in the world or you can help people".  I looked at Jesus out the corner of my eye and said to myself, "why is he asking me this".  I told Jesus that I wanted to help people and after that I woke up.  I said to myself "ah, just a dream".  It was not just a dream.  The rest is history.    

21.)  Education:

Public education should be fully funded to ensure better student outcomes and student success.  Also, home schooling should be easily and widely available.  There should be some funding provided to private and magnet schools as well.  All aspects and sources of education are welcome in my administration.

22.)  Eleven Letters:

  Barack Obama (11 letters - Judgment X 1), Donald Trump (11 letters - Judgment X 2), Joseph Biden (11 letters - Judgment X 3), and Robert Cooke (11 letters - Judgment X 4).  I am the Fourth and Final Prophetic U.S. President.  Four straight presidents with 6 letters in their first name and 5 letters in their last names.  11 letters total in their first and last names, (Judgment).  (End Times Judgment).  This is not a coincidence.  This is prophetic.

23.)  Embargo China:

  I will impose an embargo against China on my first day as the 47th President of the United States of America in 2025.  I will bring back all of our jobs and then some.  Moreover, I have more than the wherewithal to make this happen.

24.)  Energy:

  I will convert our gas and oil energy to green energy by 2030.  I will provide the American people with extensive incentives and tax credits to changeover from gas powered automobiles to electric automobiles.  I will replace the gas and oil lines with electric charging stations across this nation.  I will help the oil and gas industry make this conversion.

25.)  Equestrian Statue of Theodore Roosevelt:

A very, very prophetic statue.  The African man represents President Obama.  Republican President Theodore Roosevelt represents President Trump, the horse represents President Biden (born in 1942, the Year of the Horse), and the First Nation man represents President Cooke (2025).  Also, they are in order when looking at them from right to left.  There is much more to this statue than just this.  This is not a coincidence.

26.)  Federal Recognition of the Lumbee Tribe:

  I am Federal Recognition of the Lumbee Tribe.

27.)  Filibuster:

  I will eliminate the Filibuster in the U.S. Senate as the 47th President of the United States in 2025.  There is much work that needs to get done.

28.)  Final Piece:

  I am the Final Piece needed in order for this nation to have a chance to live on.  Without me, this nation does not even have a chance and dies.

29.)  First Lady:

  My wife will be the first Mexican American First Lady in U.S. History when I am inaugurated in 2025 as the 47th President of the United States of America.

30.)  First Nation, First Settler:

  I am half First Nation and half First Settler.  I have the strengths of both and the weaknesses of neither.

31.)  First Nation Heritage Month:

  I will select the month of mid-October through mid-November as First Nation Heritage Month and cancel Columbus Day.  I will replace it with First Nations Day.

32.)  Four Fellows:

  David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Ed Rollins, and Steve Schmidt.  These four men will help me win the presidency in 2024 when it is time.

33.)  Fourth Industrial Revolution:

  We have to create an inclusive, human-centered future for all of our American people.  We have to give all Americans the ability to greatly impact their communities, families, and organizations in a positive way.

34.)  God's Club:

  I will ensure that every student in a public school across this nation will have the opportunity to create and join the God Club, just like the Math Club, French Club, Music Club, and any other club in the public school.  This will happen when I am inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States of America in 2025.

35.)  Gold:

  In my second term as the 47th President of the United States I will make 11 quadrillion dollars worth of 24 karat gold.  Then I will allocate and appropriate $150 trillion of gold reserves to First Nation peoples for genocide, hangings, stolen land, slavery, and torture.  $ 106 trillion of gold reserves to African Americans for slavery, hangings, torture, and the promise of 40 acres and a mule.  $250 trillion of gold reserves to poor whites across this nation for standing side by side with those minorities that have been abused over centuries.  $11 trillion of gold reserves to those who have bore the brunt of picking our fruits and vegetables over the years and just happen to speak another language.  $8 trillion of gold reserves to those that have the heritage of being blamed for the Coronavirus Pandemic Plague.  $4 trillion of gold reserves for those that have Pacific Islander and Alaska Native heritage.

36.)  Golden Rule - The Holy Bible - Matthew - Chapter 7 - Verse 12:

  Jesus Christ Speaking - Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

37.)  Gun Rights:

  Americans Second Amendment Rights should be upheld.  The right to bear arms.  However, every firearm should be limited to 10 round magazines to ensure a safer and more sound nation.  Also, one round in the chamber which is a total of 11 rounds.  Every gun available to buy is alright.  We, as Americans must always be prepared to guard against the enemy combatant that may try to come to our shores.

38.)  Healthcare:

  Every American has the right to basic healthcare, dentistry, and optometry regardless of economic status.

39.)  Holy Bible:

  I am the extension of the Holy Bible.  I am the written, unwritten part of the Holy Bible.  I am number 4 in heaven.  I am just outside the Holy Trinity and under the feet, under the sandals of Jesus Christ.  This explains the reason why I have such abilities, gifts, and powers.  This is prophetic.

40.)  Holy March:

  The march on Washington, D.C. is no longer a Moral March.  It has now been transformed into a Holy March on Washington, D.C. since I am here now.

41.)  Housing:

  Every American has the right to basic housing.  I will eradicate homelessness as the 47th President of the United States of America.

42.)  Instructions:

  This nation must listen to me as it relates to the cure to Covid-19 and (all the variants).  Also, for the cure to cancer (all forms and types).  Just like Noah in the Holy Bible followed Almighty God's exact instructions in building the ark.  Even President Biden must follow my exact instructions on these particular issues.

43.)  Isra-Pale:

  I will bring the Israelites and Palestine people together.  They will be one people and one nation.  They shall call the new nation "Isra-Pale".  If Republican President Abraham Lincoln were alive today, that's what he would do.

44.)  Jobs:

  I will create a green energy lateral jobs transfer program for employees in the gas and oil industry so they can continue working seamlessly.

45.)  John - Chapter 3 - Verse 16 - The Holy Bible:

  Jesus Christ Speaking - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

46.)  Judgment, (End Times Judgment):

  The United States of America will go under Judgment by Almighty God for 11 straight years.  It will begin on January 20, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. your local time and end on January 20, 2033 at 11:00 a.m. your local time.  Turn back to Almighty God and turn to Almighty God.  Encourage and help others to turn back to Almighty God and turn to Almighty God.  Repent today!  Fear the Lord, thy Almighty God.

47.)  Judgment Saint:

  I am the Judgment Saint of the United States of America.  Judgment, (End Times Judgment), has begun in this nation.  Encourage and help others to turn back to Almighty God and turn to Almighty God.  Bow thou knees and thou head before the Lord thy Almighty God and repent!  Fear the Lord, thy Almighty God.

48.)  LGBTQ:

  Gay, lesbian, and transgender people that get married are part of unholy marriages in the eyes of Almighty God.  Same-sex marriage is not a human right.  Same-sex marriage is Judgment upon a nation.

49.)  Lumbee Tribe:

  I will set aside an additional $50 trillion dollars in gold reserves for the Lumbee Tribe.  Our tribe has been seeking federal recognition for over 130 years and have been denied on all requests.

50.)  Marijuana:

  I will take marijuana off the Schedule 1 List and put it on the Schedule 5 List.  I will allow marijuana cigarettes to be prescribed for health issues and needs in every state for those individuals that are 25 years of age or older.  Healthcare for all Americans means you can just get a prescription from your family doctor.

51.)  Medal of Freedom:

  The cures to many diseases are worth at least 47 to 50 Medals of Freedom.  Many peoples' lives will be saved. 

52.)  Medal Of Honor: 

  The defeat of all nuclear weapons are worth at least 47 to 50 Medals of Honor.  Many soldiers' lives will be saved.

53.)  Medical Cure Plants:

  I will build Medical Cure Plants (MCPs), in every state state across this nation, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington, D.C.  The states of Mississippi, West Virginia, Alabama, and Iowa will be in the first set of states.  The other states plus the District of Columbia will be randomly selected.

54.)  Meeting My Wife:

  When I met my wife for the first time, she was wearing a pretty green dress.  This was not a coincidence.  It would signify the fact that I would run in the Green Party one day and become the 47th President of the United States of America in 2025.

55.)  Mentally Challenged Individuals:

  One hundred round dual drum magazines and 100 round magazines have to be banned.  Only allow 10 round magazines for guns.  Mentally challenged individuals will begin to kill people indiscriminately in different regions of this nation when Judgment begins in 2022.

56.)  U.S. Military:

  I will have a big, diverse U.S. Military when I am inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States of America in 2025.

57.)  Minimum Wage:

  I will encourage and help large corporations to pay their employees a minimum wage of $25 per hour starting on January 20, 2025.

58.)  Money:

  I will print the money until the ink runs dry and then print some more as the 47th President of the United States of America in 2025.

59.)  Monopolies in the USA:

  I will disband all monopolies in the USA and create real competition in my first term as the 47th President of the United States of America of 2025.

60.)  National Feast Day:

  I will cancel Thanksgiving Day in November.  I will select the fourth Friday in October as National Feast Day in honor of the First Nation peoples.  National Feast Day will replace Thanksgiving Day.

61.)  National Security Apparatus:

  I will create and develop an additional tool for each of these agencies:  the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA as the 47th President of the United States of America in 2025.

62.)  New Founding Fathers:

  When I am inaugurated in 2025 as the 47th President of the United States I will locate a mountain site to carve the faces of President Obama, President Trump, President Biden, and President Cooke.  This is for historical and educational purposes only and not meant to be worshipped, because there is only one Almighty God which art in heaven.  Fear the Lord, thy Almighty God.  We are the New Founding Fathers of this nation.

63.)  North Carolina Green Party:

  The white bird with the green leaf stem in its mouth, represents and symbolizes me.  The bird is using one of its wings to defend the nation against foreign nuclear weapons.  I am the defeat of all nuclear weapons.  This is on the North Carolina Green Party website.  That is not a coincidence.  I was raised in the state of North Carolina.

64.)  Other Countries:

  Other countries have to come up "hither" and start paying their citizens more money, because we are not going down "thither" any longer by paying our citizens very low wages.

65.)  Philippians - The Holy Bible - Chapter 4 - Verse 13:

  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

66.)  Plagues:

Dead birds falling from the sky across many states simultaneously, Category 8 hurricanes, F8 Tornadoes, major Fires across the United States, severe flooding in several states at the same time, major earthquakes creating major tsunamis on the east coast and west coast, major hail twice as big as previously recorded, babies and small children falling sick and dying from mysterious illnesses, the worms starting to crawl into people's apartments and houses, the worms eating all the crops, and Black Death Part 2 (BD Deuce).

67.)  Plan of Almighty God - The Holy Bible - Isaiah - Chapter 14 - Verse 27 & Job - Chapter 42 - Verse 2:

  27.)  For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it?  and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?  2.)  I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee.  

68.)  Police Departments and Police Officers:

  I will ensure police departments across this nation get the funding they need to address situations involving mentally challenged individuals.  Also, I will ensure that police officers get higher pay and more vacation time.  A certain number of days for time off for police officers will be mandatory per year.  Alertness and mental stability must be at its highest level in our police officers.  Police officers need to have the capacity to test for marijuana use, just like alcohol consumption. 

69.)  Poor People's Campaign:

  I am the Poor People's Campaign.  I am the 14 Policy Priorities.  I am the 4 direct actions.  I am what I am because Almighty God has made me, that I am.  This is prophetic.  Fear the Lord, thy Almighty God.

70.)  Poor Whites:

  I will provide $2.2 trillion in money grants for poor whites across this nation.  This money will be used to pay the fees associated with attending a trade or vocational school.

71.)  Poverty:

Every American has the right to not be poor.  Jesus Christ said that the poor will always be with you.  However, he did not say that every nation will have poor people in it.  I will eradicate child poverty and adult poverty by making the necessary investments in all of our American people.

72.)  President Biden:

  The cure to Covid-19 and (all the variants) needs to begin as soon as possible.  Furthermore, the cure to cancer needs to begin on Wednesday, January 24, 2024.  President Biden can have the honor and privilege of overseeing the cure to cancer just like he wanted if he so chooses.

73.)  President Donald John Trump (the 45th President of the United States).

  President Trump officially started his reelection campaign on June 18, 2019, which was my 45th birthday.  He held his campaign rally in Orlando, Florida where I got picked up over 20 years ago.  This is not a coincidence.

74.)  Presidential Debates, (2024):

Five additional cures will be revealed in Presidential Debate #1, one additional cure will be revealed in Presidential Debate #2, and one additional cure will be revealed in Presidential Debate #3.

75.)  Presidential Election (2024):

  If I am not elected by chance in 2024 and the American people make the wrong choice and decision, then surely "Death Cometh".

76.)  Presidential Funerals:

  Do not be surprised if I have to bury 4 U.S. Presidents during my 8 years as president.  Especially, if former President Jimmy Carter lives to see my Inauguration Day in 2025.

77.)  Prison Reform:

  I will pardon the prison sentences of all those who are in prison as a result of using marijuana.  I will show grace and mercy to them.  Also, I will encourage Governors of every state to show grace and mercy by doing the same as me. 

78.)  Prophetic Four:

President Obama (the Unity President-there are no blue states or red states), President Trump (the Union President-a man and woman get married and become one), President Biden (the Trinity President-a man of deep faith even after tragic losses of family members), and President Cooke (the Earth President-a man that will protect the air, land, and water from destruction and devastation).

79.)  Prophetic, Historical Figure:

  I am a prophetic, historical figure.

80.)  Prophetic Poll:

  The Gallup Poll that was taken from January 21, 2021 to February 2, 2021 that says 62 percent of Americans believe a Third Party is needed is a prophetic poll.  The Green Party nominee, which is me, will be in the 2024 Presidential Debates.  I will win at least 62 percent of the votes in the 2024 presidential election.

81.)  Political Purification:

  I was not allowed by Almighty God to vote in the 2020 Primary or the 2020 General Election.  I had to go through political purification.

82.)  Rallies:

  My rallies will be quite unique when I start to campaign in October or November of 2023 or later.

83.)  Reparations:

Once the cure to cancer is complete, I will ask President Biden to appropriate $1.3 Trillion for Combat Veterans, $1.3 Trillion for African Americans, $1.3 Trillion for small town community farmers across this nation, and $1.3 Trillion for First Nation peoples, both federally and state recognized.

84.)  Roe V. Wade:

  I will ensure Roe V. Wade stays overturned in my first 180 days in office as the 47th President of the United States of 2025.

85.)  Romans - The Holy Bible - Chapter 12 - Verse 12 & Verse 13:

  12.)  Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;  13.)  Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.

86.)  Running Bear:

  "Running Bear" is my First Nation name.  Running Bear is running for President.  That's pretty catchy, huh?  That's not a coincidence either.

87.)  Secret Service Protection:

  Honestly, I need secret service protection after I announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America in person.

88.)  Serving Almighty God - The Holy Bible - Joshua - Chapter 24 - Verse 15:

  And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

89.)  Small Town USA:

  I will bring back the Textile Plants and the other manufacturing plants back to the USA.  Our small towns will be revitalized and our people will have good paying jobs once again.

90.)  Soul Of This Nation:

  This nation's soul is so saturated with blood, that it is dripping blood.  This has occurred over the centuries due to genocide, hangings, and torture of First Nation peoples, hangings and torture of enslaved Africans, abortions of unborn babies, executions of prisoners, and killings of innocents of different peoples across the globe in warfare.  Repent America!  Repent USA before the Lord thy Almighty God!  Fear the Lord, thy Almighty God.

91.)  Student Loan Debt Crisis:

  I will forgive the $1.6 trillion in student loans in order for all Americans to get relief and get the proverbial millstone from around their necks.  This is the student loan debt through the end of June 30, 2023.

92.)  Support:

  I hope that my Prophetic Brothers (Barry Obama, Donny Trump, and Joey Biden) will help campaign for me and help me win the 2024 presidential election. 

93.)  Supreme Court:

I will expand the Supreme Court with 4 new Supreme Court Justices.  Also, I will replace 3 current Supreme Court Justices, which total 7 during my 8 years as president.  We will have a 13 seat Supreme Court in the United States.  All of the 7 Supreme Court Justices that I select will be independent minded, no matter how conservative or liberal they may be.

94.)  Taxes:

  I will nullify and void the current tax code system to simplify it.  The corporate tax rate will be 25 percent.  The federal income tax rate will be 25 percent for everyone.  No more deductions or loopholes for anyone.  However, certain things have to happen before this can occur.

95.)  Ten Commandments - The Holy Bible - Exodus - Chapter 20 - Verse 2 through Verse 17 & Deuteronomy - Chapter 5 - Verse 6 through Verse 21:

  Almighty God Speaking - 1.)  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  2.)  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.  3.)  Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.  4.)  Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.  5.)  Honour thy father and thy mother.  6.)  Thou shalt not kill.  7.)  Thou shalt not commit adultery.  8.)  Thou shalt not steal.  9.)  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.  10.)  Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thy shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey (the Holy Bible uses another word instead of "donkey", but children may be reading this), nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.

96.)  Third Party President:

  President Millard Fillmore was the last Third Party President of the United States of America (Whig Party) in 1850 and the 13th President.  I was born on the 18th and I will be 50 years old in '24 when I am elected as a Third Party President (Green Party - #47).  Also, 1 + 3 = 4 and 174 years will have elapsed.  These are not coincidences, just prophetic.

97.)  Third Reconstruction:

  I am the 3rd Reconstruction.  I am the Holy March on Washington, D.C.

98.)  Three(s) - 3 (s) - (Trinities):

  President Cooke (Poor Class), Presidents Obama & Biden (Middle Class), and President Trump (Rich Class).  President Cooke (First Nation - Brown), President Obama (African - Black), and President Trump & President Biden (Caucasian - White).  President Cooke (Green Party), President Trump (Republican Party), and President Obama & President Biden (Democratic Party).

99.)  Twenty-Four:

  Eight(s) on the outside, four(s) on the inside.  Four(s) on the inside, eight(s) on the outside.  (See the Equestrian Statue of Republican President Theodore Roosevelt).  A total of twenty-four presidential years.  I will be elected in '24 as the 47th President-Elect of the United States of America.  24 karat gold is the purest form of gold.  These are not coincidences.

100.)  Two Goliaths:

  Almighty God showed me if you have to go against Two Goliaths like the Democratic Party and Republican Party, then you will need two David(s) with you.  David Axelrod and David Plouffe.  This is prophetic.

101.)  Two Minutes Of Silence:

  I will ensure all public schools across this nation have two minutes of silence each school day for silent prayer, meditation, or a mini nap when I am inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States of America in 2025.

102.)  Unfinished Work Of Four Men:

  I am the unfinished work of Republican President Abraham Lincoln, Democratic President John F. Kennedy, Iconic Civil Rights Leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and former President Barack Obama.  This is prophetic as well.

103.)  USA:

  We will be First "N" Everything, Second "N" Nothing when I am elected and then inaugurated in 2025 as the 47th President of the United States of America. 

104.)  U.S. House of Representatives:

  I need to win 140 to 170 U.S. House seats in 2024.  I need to win at least 300 U.S. House seats by 2028.  This will give me a super majority, veto-proof U.S. House of Representatives in 2028 when I am reelected as the 47th President of the United States of America.

105.)  U.S. Senate:

  I need to win all U.S. Senate seats in 2024 and 67 U.S. Senate seats by 2028.  This will give me a super majority, veto-proof U.S. Senate in 2028 when I am reelected as the 47th President of the United States of America.

106.)  Vice Grip:

  The United States of America is in a vice grip by Almighty God.  The more the nation turns away from Almighty God, the tighter the vice grip becomes.  The more times a person contemplates voting for someone else other than me, (Robert Cooke), in '24 for President of the United States of America, the tighter the vice grip becomes.

107.)  Vice Presidential Running Mate:

  I will ask Jose Armando Perez V, my cousin, (represents the Fifth Seal of Almighty God) to run beside me as the 50th Vice President of the United States of America.  "Mr. Vice President Fifty".  This is prophetic as well.

108.)  What Would Jesus Do? - (WWJD) - Matthew - Chapter 25 - Verse 42 & Verse 43:

  Jesus Christ Speaking - 1.)  For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:  2.)  I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.  These are reasons among many that a nation like the United States of America goes under Judgment (End Times Judgment).

109.)  Wife:

  My wife is prophetic.  Her name is Maria De Los Angeles, which means "Mary Of The Angels".  She is my guardian angel.  This is not a coincidence.

110.)  USA Hunger:

  I will end hunger in the United States as the 47th President of the United States of America before my 8 years are done.

111.)  USA Poverty:

  I will end poverty in the United States as the 47th President of the United States of America before my 8 years are done.

ATTENTION:  I Am Humbly Asking Dr. Jill Stein To Release Her


I Am The Only One Running In The Green Party That

Can Win The Presidency Outright.  Only the Fourth Seal Can Beat  

The Second Seal (Donald Trump) And The Third Seal (Joseph Biden),


VP Kamala Harris, who is the Stand In for Joe Biden, (The Letter (K)

is the 11th Letter of the Alphabet, which means Judgment) And

Beat Them At The Same Time.

I Ask For Your Vote And Thank You For Your Vote In

Advance.  We Are Not Living In Ordinary Or Regular Times.

When making donations by mail, please make your check or

money order payable to:

Cooke For President

P.O. Box 796412

Dallas, TX 75379

This campaign is the Greatest Cause on Earth

that you can give to right now.  This campaign is a Holy Campaign

You can also Click on Contribute and Give Online as well.  You have

Zero Excuses for not giving to this campaign.

I am the Only Person on this Planet that can Beat  

The Second Seal (Donald Trump) And The Third Seal (Joseph Biden),


VP Kamala Harris, who is the Stand In for Joe Biden, (The Letter (K)

is the 11th Letter of the Alphabet, which means Judgment) And

Beat Them At The Same Time.

So, My Question Is, What Are You Waiting For?

Spread The Word!  Please Volunteer!  You are Responsible Now

with this Knowledge!

The Churches and the Native American Indian Tribes are the Last

Line of Defense!

Committee to Elect Robert Cooke
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