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ATTENTION:  I Am Humbly Asking Dr. Jill Stein To Release Her

Delegates.  I Am The Only One Running In The Green Party That

Can Win The Presidency Outright.  Only The Fourth Seal Can Beat

The Second Seal (Donald Trump) And The Third Seal (Joe Biden), or

VP Kamala Harris, who is the Stand In for Joe Biden, (The Letter (K)

is the 11th Letter of the Alphabet, which means Judgment) And

Beat Them At The Same Time.

I Ask For Your Vote And Thank You For Your Vote In

Advance.  We Are Not Living In Ordinary Or Regular Times.   

When making donations by mail, please make your check or

money order payable to:

Cooke For President

P.O. Box 796412

Dallas, TX 75379

Meet Robert Cooke IV - 11 Means Chaos, Disorder, and Judgment!

11 is used 24 times in the Holy Bible.  This will tell you exactly who

we are in Almighty God's eyes.  You are Responsible Now with this


Everything on my Website is 100% True, even if you do not want to

Believe it.  I have just a Two word Statement:  Try Me! 

I humbly ask that you do not mock Almighty God.  No, it's not my

job to turn water into wine or take five loaves of bread and two

fish to feed a multitude of people.  Please read everything on my


I know it is a lot to take in, but yes, Almighty God is that powerful

and so much more.  I am asking for the members of the Churches

and the members of all Native American Indian Tribes or anyone

else to help me all across this nation and in every state.  The time

has come to step out, step in, and step up.  Do not allow this

message from Almighty God to fall on Deaf Ears and Itchy Ears. 

Spread the Word!  Please donate today!  As a Green Party

Candidate, I need to raise as much money as possible.  Any

amount will help.

Please, help me get this done.  Will you

donate today and help me complete the will and work of Almighty

God?  Thank you.  This campaign is the Greatest Cause on Earth

that you can give to right now.  This campaign is a Holy Campaign

You can also Click on Contribute and Give Online as well.  You have

Zero Excuses for not giving to this campaign.

I am the Only Person on this Planet that can Defeat Joseph Biden,

(VP Kamala Harris, Stand In for Joseph Biden),

and Donald Trump and Defeat Them at the Same Time.

So, My Question Is, What Are You Waiting For?

Spread The Word!  Please Volunteer!  The Churches and the Native

American Indian Tribes are the Last Line of Defense!

1.)  Barack Hussein Obama - The First Seal of Almighty God.  Six letters in the first name, five letters in the last name.  Eleven letters total.  Judgment X 1.  President Obama is the Unity President.  There are no blue states or red states, only the United States of America.

2.)  Donald John Trump - The Second Seal of Almighty God.  Six letters in the first name, five letters in the last name.  Eleven letters total.  Judgment X 2.  President Trump is the Union President.  When one born male and one born female are married, then they become one.  They make children and the children run around the house.

3.)  Joseph Robinette Biden - The Third Seal of Almighty God.  Six letters in the first name, five letters in the last name.  Eleven letters total.  Judgment X 3.  President Biden is the Trinity President.  A man that lost his 1st wife and daughter in a car accident, but turned toward Almighty God instead of away from Almighty God.  A man that lost his son Beau Biden to brain cancer, but turned toward Almighty God instead of away from Almighty God.

4.)  Robert Spencer Cooke IV - The Fourth Seal of Almighty God.  Six letters in the first name, five letters in the last name.  Eleven letters total.  Judgment X 4, I'm the fourth.  President Cooke is the Earth President.  President Cooke is the protector of clean air, clean land, and clean water as a nation.  I am the cure to cancer, (200 plus forms and types, Stage 1 through Stage 4), I'm the fourth.  I will be the eleventh youngest president, which again means Judgment.  The USA is under the Divine Judgment of Almighty God until January 20, 2033.  

5.)  20 letters in our last names total, 24 letters in our first names total.  Everything begins or ends in 2024.  Barry, Donny, Joey, and Bobby.

6.)  The Equestrian Statue of Theodore Roosevelt that sat in front of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City is a prophetic statue.  The African Man represents President Obama, (The First Seal of Almighty God), President Theodore Roosevelt represents President Trump, (The Second Seal of Almighty God), President Theodore Roosevelt and President Trump were both born in New York, both are Republicans, and both nominated and had confirmed 3 Supreme Court Justices, except President Trump did it in four years instead of eight years.  President Biden represents the horse and he was born in 1942, which is the year of the horse.  Ridin' Biden, Donny rode Biden before the 2020 presidential election, the day of the 2020 election, after the 2020 election, the inauguration day of Biden, and Donny is still Ridin' Biden.  The Native American Indian Man represents President Cooke, (Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina).

7.)  We are the Chosen Four, the Prophetic Four, the New Founding Fathers of the nation, if we are able to pass through these 11 years of Almighty God's Divine Judgment.  January 20, 2022 through January 20, 2033.  Jesus Christ died on the cross at the age of 33.  Bow thou knees and thou head USA and repent of thine sins before the Lord Almighty God.  Turn back to Almighty God and to Almighty God.

8.)  There are many trinities between President Obama, President Trump, President Biden, and President Cooke.

A.)  President Obama and President Biden are from the Democratic Party, President Trump is from the Republican Party, and President Cooke is from the Green Party.

B.)  President Trump and President Biden are both white, President Obama is black, and President Cooke is brown (Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina).

C.)  President Trump and President Obama are from the Baby Boomer Generation, President Biden is from the Silent Generation, and President Cooke is from Generation X, which just happens to be the 24th letter of the alphabet.  No, that is not a coincidence.  I will be elected in '24.  President Obama may try and argue that he is from Generation Jones.

D.)  President Obama and President Cooke are married to their first wife, President Biden is married to his second wife, and President Trump is married to his third wife.

E.)  President Trump (New York) and President Biden (Pennsylvania) were born in northeastern states, President Obama was born in a southwestern state (Hawaii), and President Cooke was born in a southern state (Georgia).

F.)  President Obama and President Biden are from the middle class, President Trump is from the rich class, and President Cooke is from the poor class.

G.)  President Trump and President Cooke are both Gemini, President Obama is a Leo, and President Biden is a Scorpio.

H.)  There are three medals in the Olympics:  Gold, silver, and bronze.  The Equestrian Theodore Roosevelt Statue is made of bronze.  The 3rd metal, (not medal).

9.)  President Obama (The First Seal of Almighty God) and President Cooke (The Fourth Seal of Almighty God) are the Protectors of President Trump (The Second Seal of Almighty God) and President Biden (The Third Seal of Almighty God).

10.)  The 8 year presidents and the 4 year presidents are easy to distinguish from each other.  The 8 year presidents have a vowel at the end of their last name and the 4 year presidents have a consonant at the end of their last name.  Also, the 8's are on the outside and the 4's are in the inside.  I am referring to the Equestrian Theodore Roosevelt Statue, which was made before President Biden was even born.  The statue was unveiled in 1939 and President Biden was born in 1942.

11.)  You, the American People should know that President Obama was 47 years old when he got elected and the 47th vice-president served beside him.  President Cooke is 50 years old when he gets elected and the 50th vice-president serves beside him.

12.)  President Obama is the Hope and President Cooke is the Promise, so do not feel bad that you did not receive what you thought you might receive when you had the first African American person elected POTUS.  You, the American people will also elect the first Native American Indian person (Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina) as your POTUS as well.  Two brothers of color.

13.)  You, the American People should know more about Robert Spencer "Running Bear" Cooke IV.  Running Bear is running for President of the United States of America and that is not a coincidence either.

14.)  You, the American People should also know this as well.  President Obama and President Cooke both have 18 letters in their first, middle, and last names combined.  I was born on the 18th, June 18, 1974, the year of the tiger.  President Obama has two children which are two girls and President Cooke has two children which are one boy and one girl.  President Obama's father is black and his mother is white.  President Cooke's father is white and his mother is Native American Indian (Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina).

15.)  You, the American People should know that I am a Cure Master.  I have received Divine Knowledge from Almighty God.  I am number 4 in heaven.  Just outside the Holy Trinity, just under the scandals, just under the feet of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.  I am the cure to cancer (all 200 plus forms and types, stage 1 through stage 4), the cure to Covid-19 and (all the variants), the cure to Mpox which is Monkeypox, the cure to RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), the cure to epilepsy, the cure to Alzheimer's, the cure to AIDS, the cure to M.S. (multiple sclerosis), the cure to Parkinson's disease, and at least 7 more cures that will be revealed in the three 2024 presidential debates.  Five cures will be revealed in the first presidential debate, one cure will be revealed in the second presidential debate, and one cure will be revealed in the third presidential debate.

16.)  The cure to cancer will take 7 to 10 months to complete, the cure to covid-19 will take 2 days to 3 months to complete, the cure to Mpox which is Monkeypox will take 6 weeks to 8 weeks, and the cure to RSV will take 2 to 3 months to complete.  If I can get started in January of 2024, then I can complete the cure to cancer by November 5, 2024 which is Election Day.  These are the first four cures that I will get done.  The knowledge that is gathered from the cures will be used to defeat Bioterrorism.

17.)  The cure to Epilepsy will be done between the end of 2026 and mid 2027.  The cure to Epilepsy has regenerative abilities, but to what extent, I do not know yet.  The cure to Alzheimer's will be done at the very end of my eight years as POTUS.  The cure to AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease will be done during my post-presidency and in that order.  Most likely it will take a 3 to 4 year period of time to complete.

18.)  I am the defeat of all nuclear weapons.  That is how I have the ability to destroy one-fourth of the earth or 25 percent if needed against our enemies.  I will be inaugurated in '25.  That is not a coincidence either.  Only if truly necessary, which I highly doubt because most people want to live as long as possible.  This work will be done in my second term as POTUS as far as creating the defeat of all nuclear weapons, which will be in the first year and a half.  Yes, it has a name which will be revealed in the first 2024 presidential debate.  I will also make the gold in the lab in my second term as POTUS during the same time frame.  I am money grants for poor whites and whites in general.  Also, I am reparations for blacks (slavery) and indigenous peoples (genocide) across this nation.  Please, help me get going with all this very important work that I have to get done.  Again, please give to my 2024 presidential campaign today.  Thank you.

19.)  You, the American people should know that our nation is a Walking Dead nation.  We are under the Divine Judgment of Almighty God.  Also, you, the American people should know that as light is to darkness, so is our youth to the elderly.  Do not be surprised to see young children getting sick this fall and winter with mysterious diseases and illnesses and falling dead.  It is of the upmost importance that the nation repent and turn back to Almighty God.

20.)  The truth about 9/11.  It is not a coincidence that 9/11 happened on 9/11.  Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones on 9/11.  The number 9 represents me, President Cooke, and the number 11 represents Almighty God's Judgment.  Almighty God was telling this nation that if you do not repent of your sins and turn back to him that he would send a Judgment Saint in the land.  The 47th POTUS is more than a president.  The 47th POTUS is the cure to cancer, the defeat of all nuclear weapons, money grants for whites in general, reparations for blacks and indigenous peoples, and so much more.  The number 4 plus the number 7 equals 11, which means Judgment.

21.)  You, the American people should know that all these natural disasters that are happening in other parts of the world is a message from Almighty God.  Almighty God is telling the USA that if you do not turn back to him that he will send all of these natural disasters upon this nation at the same time.  No, I am not joking or kidding.  This is as real as your reflection in the mirror.  Ask yourself this question?  How many days does it have to rain before you believe?  No, I am not just talking about rainwater either.  Almighty God looks at the USA as the standard for the rest of the world.  Being a force for good for many people across the world.  However, Almighty God has removed his hand of protection from this nation and has turned his face away from us.  Turn back to Almighty God and repent of your sins and help others to turn back to Almighty God.

22.)  The Holy Bible - Matthew 24, Verses 37, 38, and 39.  But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  You are in the 11th hour USA.  The 11th hour is the latest possible time before the end.  Just so you know, if Almighty God destroys this nation because you refuse to turn back to him, he is not going to destroy the rest of the world for now.  If you are a Christian nation, then you have to do Christian values in practice and not just talk about them.  No hypocrites allowed.  In other words, walk the talk, not just talk.

23.)  You may have noticed that the Four Seals of Almighty God have middle names that are in alphabetical order.  That is not an accident or coincidence either.

24.)  Now, that you have this knowledge, you are just as responsible for what happens as I am.  This is your last chance and opportunity USA.  Choose wisely.

25.)  I need the churches to give me a job that pays me as a spiritual advisor.  I need a job that earns a salary to be able to campaign all over the USA, work on the cures, and pay my bills at the same time.  I received the gift of healing at the age of 48 years old through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I received the power of resurrection at the age of 49 years old through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

ATTENTION:  I Am Humbly Asking Dr. Jill Stein To Release Her

Delegates.  I Am The Only One Running In The Green Party That

Can Win The Presidency Outright.  Only The Fourth Seal Can Beat  

The Second Seal (Donald Trump) And The Third Seal (Joseph Biden),


VP Kamala Harris, who is the Stand In for Joe Biden, (The Letter (K)

is the 11th Letter of the Alphabet, which means Judgment) And

Beat Them At The Same Time.  I Ask For Your Vote And Thank You

For Your Vote In Advance.

We Are Not Living In Ordinary Or Regular Times.

When making donations by mail, please make your check or

money order payable to:

Cooke For President

P.O. Box 796412

Dallas, TX 75379

This campaign is the Greatest Cause on Earth

that you can give to right now.  This campaign is a Holy Campaign

You can also Click on Contribute and Give Online as well.  You have

Zero Excuses for not giving to this campaign.

I am the Only Person on this Planet that can Defeat Joseph Biden, 


VP Kamala Harris, who is the Stand In for Joe Biden, (The Letter (K)

is the 11th Letter of the Alphabet, which means Judgment)

and Donald Trump and Defeat Them at the Same Time.

So, My Question Is, What Are You Waiting For?

Spread The Word!  Please Volunteer!  You are Responsible Now

with this Knowledge!  The Churches and the Native American

Indian Tribes are the Last Line of Defense! 




Committee to Elect Robert Cooke
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